Test Cricket - Miscellaneous Records and Statistics - Toss / Result Analysis
Analysis of the Toss and Match Results
Matches from  to   
    Matches   Won   Drawn   Lost   Win %
Home Side Won Toss
Elected to Bat 935 406 290 239 43.42
Sent Opposition In 375 177 105 93 47.20
Overall Total 1310 583 395 332 44.50
Home Side Lost Toss
Fielded First 852 323 278 251 37.91
Sent in to Bat 319 140 103 76 43.89
Overall Total 1171 463 381 327 39.54
Touring Side Won Toss
Elected to Bat 852 251 278 323 29.46
Sent Opposition In 319 76 103 140 23.82
Overall Total 1171 327 381 463 27.92
Touring Side Lost Toss
Fielded First 935 239 290 406 25.56
Sent in to Bat 375 93 105 177 24.80
Overall Total 1310 332 395 583 25.34

NOTE: 56 Matches played at neutral venues excluded from analysis.
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