Player Overview - T20 Internationals
Vukasin Zimonjic   
Full Name: Vukasin Zimonjic    
Born: 25th February, 2005   
Current Age: 19 years 357 days  
Bats: Right Handed  
Bowls: Right Arm Medium Fast
Matches: 28 (2021-)  

Innings: 20
Not Outs: 5
Aggregate: 232
Highest Score: 34
Average: 15.47
Median: 9.50
30s: 1
50s: 0
100s: 0
Ducks: 2
4s: 25
6s: 5
Balls Faced: 214
Scoring Rate 108.41
Opened Batting: 0
Top Scored in Innings: 2
% of Team Runs Scored: 6.68
Balls: 553
Maidens: 3
Runs Conceded: 670
Wickets: 26
Average: 25.77
3 Wickets in Innings: 1
4 Wickets in Innings: 0
5 Wickets in Innings: 0
Best: 3/26
Economy Rate: 7.27
Strike Rate: 21.27
% of Team Wickets Taken: 15.66
Catches: 7
Most Catches in Innings: 1
Batting - Runs per Innings Bowling - Wickets per Innings
How Dismissed How Wickets Obtained (Mode of Dismissal)
Breakdown of Runs Scored Analysis of Wickets Taken by Batting Order
Performance Analysis
Performances by Opponent Batting Dismissals - Breakdown showing Dismissing Bowlers
Performances by Ground Bowling Dismissals - Breakdown showing Batsmen Dismissed
Performances by Country Fifties, Hundreds and 4 Wicket Hauls
Performances by Year Career Innings - Batting (Detailed)
Performances by Series Career Innings - Bowling (Detailed)
Performances by Batting Position Career Innings - Batting/Bowling/Fielding (Summary)
Performances by Match Innings Number Best Batting Performances
Performances by Home/Away Best Bowling Performances
Performances by Match Result  
Partnership Records
National Sports Academy 7th Wicket
Valburga 4th, 8th Wicket
Serbia 7th, 8th Wicket

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