Player Overview - One Day Internationals
Brendan Taylor    Overview & Statistics Summary
Full Name: Brendan Ross Murray Taylor  Test Overview & Statistics     
Born: 6th February, 1986 T20 Overview & Statistics     
Current Age: 38 years 349 days World Cup Overview & Statistics
Bats: Right Handed  
Bowls: Right Arm Off Break  
Matches: 205 (2004-2021)  

Innings: 203
Not Outs: 15
Aggregate: 6684
Highest Score: 145*
Average: 35.55
Median: 25.00
50s: 39
100s: 11
200s: 0
Ducks: 15
4s: 599
6s: 106
Balls Faced: 8720
Scoring Rate 76.65
Opened Batting: 58
Top Scored in Innings: 45
% of Team Runs Scored: 15.85
Balls: 396
Maidens: 0
Runs Conceded: 406
Wickets: 9
Average: 45.11
4 Wickets in Innings: 0
5 Wickets in Innings: 0
Best: 3/54
Economy Rate: 6.15
Strike Rate: 44.00
% of Team Wickets Taken: 0.69
Catches: 31
Most Catches in Innings: 3
Catches: 102
Stumpings: 29
Most Catches in Innings: 5
Most Dismissals in Innings: 5
Matches/Won/Lost: 37/9/28
Tosses Won: 23 (62.16%)
Chose to Field/Won/Lost: 18/6/12
Runs Scored: 1467
Batting Average: 44.45
Batting - Runs per Innings Bowling - Wickets per Innings
How Dismissed How Wickets Obtained (Mode of Dismissal)
Breakdown of Runs Scored Analysis of Wickets Taken by Batting Order
Performance Analysis
Performances by Opponent Batting Dismissals - Breakdown showing Dismissing Bowlers
Performances by Ground Bowling Dismissals - Breakdown showing Batsmen Dismissed
Performances by Country Centuries and 4 Wicket Hauls
Performances by Year Career Innings - Batting (Detailed)
Performances by Series Career Innings - Bowling (Detailed)
Performances by Batting Position Career Innings - Batting/Bowling/Fielding (Summary)
Performances by Match Innings Number Best Batting Performances
Performances by Home/Away Best Bowling Performances
Performances by Match Result  
Partnership Records
Bellerive Oval 5th Wicket
Bready Cricket Club 3rd Wicket
Manuka Oval 4th Wicket
Niaz Stadium 4th Wicket
Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium 5th Wicket
Sheikhupura Stadium 6th Wicket
Sportspark Het Schootsveld 3rd Wicket

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Other Notable Records
Duck in Debut Innings
Most 100s as Captain
Most Career 100s
Most Catches in a Match (as Keeper)
Most Dismissals in a Match
Player of Match Awards
Players Dismissed First Ball of Match
Players Scoring Most 4s in an Innings
Players Top Scoring in Most Innings for Country
Players Top Scoring in Most Matches Overall (all Innings both Countries)
Scoring 1000 Runs at a Single Ground
Scoring More than 50% of Innings Total
Taking a Wicket with First Ball of Match